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Today’s Comment

Now this is looking more like a diary. 🙂

Chat was tested yesterday.

My Conclusions:

I got reminded of my former life doing super expensive and hands on, live time, training in Online Marketing, which also included Social Media and attending all those quarterly travel across the U.S. for conferences.

My former mentor, DaveW & DaveS, crazily funny and eccentric as they were, actually taught me a whole lot. So I don’t really care what people “write about those two guys”, me personally I learned from both of them and I am grateful. I’ve met them personally. They were once very popular.

DaveW taught me more, in the sense that, with his video trainings, and also during conferences, when he actually spoke to me, too, when he would drop truth bombs and call people or businesses out, and tell the truth – the good the bad and the ugly, those who want to learn, actually learned. (He also was a former missionary, then he went into online business with flourished, but it went down afterwards. Form what I have learned, he actually went back to GOD, which is GREAT news!)

The stepping out of the comfort zone online, for people who like their privacy, is a huge step. The making personal videos – talking to an audience via video, that’s another step. Not caring how you look like, or what people might think, but just saying stuff as it is, that’s a big step.

I did all that.

Just to see if their business model would work. They had a checklist.

Just do that daily.

And I did.

And to my surprise, what DaveW and DaveS taught, actually worked for me.

The “breakthrough” that people talk about, can indeed happen for any individual.

Those two guys believed in people.

They believed in me, even before I believed in myself.

That I, too, had a voice.

It’s not so much as wanting to “convince people”, it became about allowing myself to express myself, and to hear me, as I put words out of my heart, and type, and onto the internet world.

I blogged daily for about two years, like DAILY. Talking about what came to mind. I read books, I read the bible. I quit watching t.v. or any news.

I delved into what they taught about online advertising, and I also learned the infrastructure and the kind of money that changes hands on those ads.

By the clicks, or by the impressions.

I also learned and saw the evil that goes on, with techies going overboard.

I met a lot of Christians during those conferences too, and some would also blog about their faith.

The visitors to my old blog were also a lot of people who had experiences similar to mine. We were the weirdos. The outcasts. The outliers.

Because I blogged about my experiences, and my feelings, and my lessons learned.

Out in the open.

I received a whole lot of emails from strangers thanking me for writing what I did.

It resonated with them.

Then when I would get melancholic, and words can’t come out, I just did “pictures” with “quotes” in them.

Inspirational quotes. The quotes I have gleaned from the many books I read, or from the Bible.

When I travel, I take a whole lot of pictures.

I didn’t and don’t publish them all, but it helps me anchor myself to the feelings I felt, while I was there, going through that experience, captured in a moment

Like a memento.

Not a social proof, but a personal proof.

Yeah, I was there.

My favorites were the ones that I see God’s beautiful work in nature. Or in animals. I am and will always be, in awe of God, and I thank Him when I see the beauty in His creation. I thank God for the ability to see and appreciate Him in the little things.

People call me crazy weird when I’d say stuff like, “What a magnificent God who taught these birds how to fly.”

Or when stuck in maddening traffic, instead of looking AT the traffic, I will look up to the clouds, and then thank God for the beautiful clouds – looking all so peaceful.

It’s weird for people when I say you can always and actually praise God, in your thoughts. Or out loud. Or when we sing.

My idea arrived … for “blogging again”, and then trying “to decide “okay, at which website?” always come to mind.

I have got to unload what’s still inside my brain.


So, I just thought, since THIS website has gone through several make-overs ….

… from a need for an e-commerce website, and then converted into a Marketplace, because some people asked me to, and then to build that high tech infrastructure only to break it down and un-publish again,

… into what it is today.

So what is ShallHelp dot com, going to be about from this day forward?

The Lord knows, because I don’t. 🙂

For now, I am cleaning up code from CLG, and migrating it onto here, those code snippets, and will create articles for it, so that it can be “searched” on the search functionality that I put in here.

For CLG, it is the “entire website search” functionality.

For the forum though, there is a “separate search” for the forum posts.

For this Site, I only programmed it to work for “Searching the blog”, and not the entire website.


Because the previous version, this website had a Marketplace, a place for Customers and Vendors, and they each had their own portals and the Vendors had their own Knowledge Base which I programmed to be searchable for the specific user group.

It was complicated.

And so I designed the “search” functionality that way, to provide a little bit more security for the data by those usergroups.

And then this stupid pandemic happened.

Then there was the tornado.

I wanted to have a place where I could post those videos to also encourage others to help out, once they see what was happening over there.


Then so the decision to change, in cadence to what I felt was needed, came to being.

Then I had one death in my family.

Some weeks later, another death.

So, Oh, My, God.


Please help me.

And then to the Bible I went.

Any point of desperation one might feel, it can bring you to destruction.

Or it can bring you to you knees.

God is always there for those who call on Him.

He will make us realize things and ugly truths about ourselves, and other people.

When you realize and accept how difficult it is to change anything about yourself, then you can’t really expect anything about even attempting to change other people.

And not all people who need advise or help, deserve help.


Because for them, they are not really needing “help”, they just want YOUR attention.

These are the ones who have the problems for every solution.

These are the ones who would much rather stay in the dark, than go to the light.

Especially after you’ve already offered them your own flashlight.

I’ve had a similar experience last night when I tried to help someone, by pointing her to the Truth in the exact scripture – what Jesus Himself said about forgiveness.

I got attacked and accused about being judgmental instead. 🙂

So like what I’ve learned in child psychology, keep on repeating the same TRUTH over and over, until it sinks in with the child.

There’s no negotiation in Truth.

It is just THERE.

Then when I noticed that I was talking to someone whose eyes can’t see the truth for what it is, I just said my thanks, and I stressed that very important point,

I knew I was not politically correct, but I was biblically correct and every single Christ Follower must stop apologizing for sharing the words of Jesus in its purity.

By quoting Jesus, EXACTLY.

I got into that woman’s nerves. And another negatron was trying to banish me by saying I should just “stick with the other church I go to”.

She also threatened to report the Prayer Host who was helping out at the service at that time, and I felt so sorry for them.

But I felt more sorry for that woman who just kept at it with attacking either me, or the Prayer Host.

Calling us close minded and judgmental. (When all I actually did was share scripture and then the comment, “How’s unforgiveness working for you? That’s why Jesus taught us to forgive, because if we don’t forgive others their sins, God will ALSO not forgive us our sins.”

And that clear message is TOO important NOT to repeat over and over again, until it sinks in.

It’s like telling a Math Teacher something is wrong with 1 + 1 = 2, because from what she knows, 1 + 1 = 0.

She has no idea about God’s unconditional love, “for those who repent AND follow Him”.

The deception of false doctrines is to “highlight what tickles the ears and slice and dice scripture” – when what must be taught is what Jesus Himself taught and SAID.

Because for those who DON’T follow Him, there are consequences, too. 1 + 1 = 2.

There is a “so that” for every command God gives.

What I quoted was simple: