Dug deeper into code. I changed the settings in the WP Core files wp-includes > user . php :
/* * If a nicename is provided, remove unsafe user characters before using it. * Otherwise build a nicename from the user_login. */ if ( ! empty( $userdata['user_nicename'] ) ) { $user_nicename = sanitize_user( $userdata['user_nicename'], true ); if ( mb_strlen( $user_nicename ) > 50 ) { return new WP_Error( 'user_nicename_too_long', __( 'Nicename may not be longer than 50 characters.' ) ); } } else { $user_nicename = mb_substr( $user_login, 0, 50 ); }
/** * Filters a user's nicename before the user is created or updated. * * @since 2.0.3 * * @param string $user_nicename The user's nicename. */ $user_nicename = apply_filters( 'pre_user_nicename', $user_nicename );
$user_nicename_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename = %s AND user_login != %s LIMIT 1", $user_nicename, $user_login ) );
if ( $user_nicename_check ) { $suffix = 2; while ( $user_nicename_check ) { // user_nicename allows 12 chars. Subtract one for a hyphen, plus the length of the suffix. $base_length = 49 - mb_strlen( $suffix ); $alt_user_nicename = mb_substr( $user_nicename, 0, $base_length ) . "-$suffix"; $user_nicename_check = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_nicename = %s AND user_login != %s LIMIT 1", $alt_user_nicename, $user_login ) ); $suffix++; } $user_nicename = $alt_user_nicename; }
AND I changed from 60 to 12
// user_login must be between 0 and 60 characters. if ( empty( $user_login ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'empty_user_login', __( 'Cannot create a user with an empty login name.' ) ); } elseif ( mb_strlen( $user_login ) > 60 ) { return new WP_Error( 'user_login_too_long', __( 'Username may not be longer than 60 characters.' ) ); }
Will open registration real quick to see if the change works.
Forum registration has default 3 to 15 characters. Above that, it errors out. Good. 🙂
Dug deeper into code. I changed the settings in the WP Core files wp-includes > user . php :
AND I changed from 60 to 12
Will open registration real quick to see if the change works.
Forum registration has default 3 to 15 characters. Above that, it errors out. Good. 🙂