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8 thoughts on “Session 11/20/2024

  1. ShallHelp Chat Forum : Welcome to the Chat Forum! Chat sessions are automatically erased every 60 minutes. Just select the REFRESH link above to go to the latest chat session. We are glad you are here!
    CrisW : Notes: For Company 1 IUL – one can only change Modes of Payment after 12 months (as the calculations in the Illustration will change as well.
    CrisW : Also for Another Company – the Flyer I designed got approved for use.
    BruteSquad :Have you heard from the other IUL Co?
    CrisW : I followed up. It’s been 10 days.
    BruteSquad : And you don’t know whether it’s approved or not?
    CrisW : So much automated messages, when a client actually calls and ask the question, they are also looking at the same automated messages in the portal. Glad the call was recorded because I said I was noting the timelines for each product.
    CrisW : So nope.
    BruteSquad :How about the other Company that switched?
    CrisW : Now they are bombarding the “prospect” who got super pissed off bec of the way their customer service handled the issue, and then ALSO pissed bec she’s getting too much automated pitchfest emails.
    BruteSquad : You have a recommendation for me?
    CrisW : I don’t want to recommend companies or products I haven’t tried or used. There’s also health risk assessments. For those who have had heart attacks, I can run quotes till I’m blue in the face, but for certain health events, Most Ins. Cos. will have an automatic “decline” decision.
    CrisW : So, if a it’s useless to run quotes for a company that I know (bec I studied their underwriting guides) that
    CrisW : if a “prospect” has had a heart attack, I would only look for companies who would consider those who have had it.
    CrisW : the underwriter might accept the application for a “graded” benefit (higher premiums with lesser face amounts)
    BruteSquad :So there are still companies who will insure those that aren’t so healthy anymore?
    CrisW :Yes. So current age, however old, can just apply or request for a quote, AFTER they fill out the prequalification questionaire.
    CrisW :So we can research
    BruteSquad :There’ss just so much mystery behind quotes
    CrisW : Because there’s no one size fits all.
    CrisW : lol
    BruteSquad :hahaha
    CrisW : I can look for an agent for you in your State.
    CrisW : I just do Texas. I can research quotes for you though.
    BruteSquad :Then you’ll get me another agent?
    CrisW : I’ll ask my IMO. Or I can turn you over to my IMO, they’re licensed everywhere.
    BruteSquad :Why don’t you get licensed everywhere?
    CrisW : I want to be able to service my clients in Texas. I learned a hard lesson when more than 10 years ago, I had a home insurance issue and found out the person assigned to my home insurance was in Boston. I had to create a website portal because I was following up with 4 different companies in 4 different states in different time zones.
    BruteSquad :That makes sense. How did that end up?
    CrisW : Long story, didn’t end good. It was a more than a year nightmare.
    CrisW : So that’s why I always call the Insurance Company I want to align with, because how they treat their sales people, is also how they will treat customers.
    CrisW :And that’s why I am focusing on Texas
    BruteSquad : Ok. So what’s the focus for this session date? Hahahaha
    CrisW :Good question.
    CrisW : In house calculators research
    BruteSquad : Cool
    CrisW :ok. Can you post session date?
    CrisW : k thanks!

  2. Grrr eat. I just got an email from another Company that will be increasing their rates! (I sent someone a quote yesterday promoting them). Anyway … that’s another issue I am seeing as issues for LPs.

  3. Okay, I am building something, but need to take a break. I have been repurposing software since the last timestamped comment. I got reminded of it as I customized that software two years ago for another project so we can use it here. Break time first.

  4. Maybe I should also go into websites for LPs that includes all these software integrations and customizations I’ve been doing here. (Some people can’t fathom that the Chat functionality that I have here and in several other websites that I am an admin of, is actually INHOUSE. 🙂 Also, that other Company that had a “chat plugin” supposedly in their back office, uses a chat plugin that is based in another country that has chat agents for hire from other countries. I have test driven that and did an evaluation on that other chat software many many years ago and I don’t know if they know that those chat agents collect metadata. That was why I ended up building and customizing that little chat on the bottom right corner of the screen. Only accessible to those who are members and those who are logged in, ANYWAY, break time.

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