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Refunds Policy – I.T. Consulting Services

Refunds Policy: I.T. Consulting Services

For Our I.T. Consulting Services, no refunds are allowed.

And here’s why: (and it just makes sense once you understand why)

We do everything that we can to put in writing the “Scope of Work” that may be involved in an I.T. Consulting Project, PRIOR to a Client’s 100% payment.

It starts with a client’s intangible and invisible “idea”, then an I.T. developer translates this “intangible and invisible” idea of a website or app, into something “digital and visible” – visible at least, on the internet. 🙂

A contract is binding – a meeting of the minds. A service “need”, “scope of work” is itemized, “approved by client”, we start to do the work, and then deliver exactly what is specified in the “scope of work” contract.

Nothing more, nothing less.

It’s a project, there’s a start and there’s an end.

Additional work will be an additional and separate contract.  We don’t do “scope creep” – let’s start another contract for any additional work (that’s why we have the “one billable hour” service on our online scheduler).

Enter the I.T. Consultant – logo designer and or graphics designer who creates the digitized logo that can be translated into marketing paraphernalia, business cards, folders, corporate giveaways, etc.

The graphics designer makes sure that there are different versions of the logo, black and white, colored, transparent, saved in different sizes and pixels.  Digital assets for the website, specifically.

But the client can use this logo and other graphics in their own social media accounts, and print media – usually outside of our Scope of Work.

But the creation of such digital assets took time, skills and efforts from our assigned I.T. consultant.  (There’s an immediate cost for this, non-refundable, because they get paid for their time, effort, and technical skills and expertise).  And it also included the hardware and software to produce such digital assets.

And that’s just the beginning.

Enter the I.T. Consultant – Domain Name Registrant who takes care of the Administrative, Registrant and Billing Contact Details that should be in compliance with ICANN ((The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) requirements.

You can visit the ICANN website HERE and review the requirements and responsibilities of domain name Registrants, Technical and Administrative Contacts.

And we also suggest that you review the websites that you visit, check if they have these Terms of Use Policy, Privacy Policy as those are the minimums that each responsible and compliant website owner should have published on their site.

The consultant assigned also double checks the mapping of CNAMEs, and DNS details, set redirects as necessary, create “park pages” or “under construction pages” before the site goes “live” or until propagation of such updates to the world wide web is completed for the Back End work to begin. (Same.  There’s an immediate cost for this, non-refundable, because they get paid for their time, effort, and technical skills and expertise).

Domain Name Registration also has a minimal one year expense to register a Domain Name).

Enter the I.T. Consultant – Website Back End Infrastructure Installer PHP Developer who takes care of App creation or installation, working on domain mapping and redirects, creation of ftp accounts, email accounts, website security and SSLs, etc.  (There’s an immediate cost for this, non-refundable, because they get paid for their time, effort, and technical skills and expertise.

Website hosting also has an upfront one year expense to host your website files and Domain Name Server.  This will also house your email box servers and ftp accounts.  That’s why it’s important to align with a webhosting company that values security for their customers).

Enter the I.T. Consultant – Website Front End Infrastructure Installer PHP Developer and Data Base Administrator who creates / installs / secures data bases.

The I.T. Consultants who publishes your website, perform a whole lot of testing on your site as it should appear on the world wide web, using test case scenarios using different website browsers (Windows Explorer,  Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome).

Performs testing that the website works as designed, also viewable in all media devices laptops, tablets and smartphones.

And are you getting the picture now on how this type of I.T. Consulting project goes? Wink, wink.

That’s why we have the 15 minute consultation, prior to the 100% payment.

When we take on a project, we will have manpower and time commitments so that we can deliver your project on time.

We know we WILL do the job and complete the project.  We have been burnt a whole lot of times with non-payment from past ex-clients after we have completed the project.  So our policy now for I.T. Services is to assess needs and deliverables, BEFORE we take on a project and have the exclusive mandate to complete such project.

That is why we offer no refunds for I.T. Consulting Services.

Once we have allocated and used up our time and human resources to a client project, we also have already incurred expenses (i.e., payment processor fees, manpower hours, software purchases, graphic design, app, portal or web development, vendor fees, just to name a few, etc.).

We don’t issue refunds for IT Consulting Services because we cannot also do a refund on the time our consultants devoted to completing our deliverables.

It’s like, we can’t unscramble an egg. 🙂

Digital or I.T. work takes time, effort and technical skills,  we don’t issue refunds because a client may have “changed his or her mind”.

We don’t (and can’t, and won’t) issue refunds on our I.T. Consulting Services. Period.  We have put links to this page to inform potential clients of this “No Refund Policy for  I.T. Consulting Services”, to be forthcoming about this policy.

That’s why we have put and designed our “contact” page as such, on a scheduler – we can filter “the serious from the curious”.  (Through the years, we have received inquiries via email or through our old “contact forms “, requests for us to “hold their hand” and teach them (for free) and email them back on how to build a website, etc… Hmmm … There’s google for that, if they want to build a website on their own. 🙂 Some instances we have built complex portals for free.. free wasn’t the original business intention (or the agreement), after all we are a business.  It was free because these people didn’t pay us!).  So we’re guessing and hoping and praying to the high heavens that you are now understanding why we are charging 100% up front for our I.T. Services. And WHY, as a company, we have (and are publishing) our “No Refunds Policy” on our I.T. Consulting Services fees.  🙂  We are not greedy I.T. people.  We just want to make sure that we get paid, as per agreement, for our work.  And we do work!  🙂

The next step is a “15 minute consultation” – then the commitment.

Our commitment to you (to do the work) and your commitment to us (to pay for this work – to convert your “invisible” idea to a “visible and digitized” format that you can present to the world wide web), should and must suffice, a meeting of the minds. We do keep record, through our tech systems in place, so that we can and will deliver the work you specify.  Some projects may succeed as intended, some may not, but the fact remains that valuable time and effort and technical skills have already been put in the I.T. Consulting Project.  There’s already skin in the game.  (And a whole lot of 16 hour days and sleepless nights).

So for this I.T. Consulting Services, we offer no refund.  Our Scope of Work Contract will protect both you, as the customer, and us as the workers.

And we always do as we promise.

We live by the golden rule of fairness:  “Do not do unto others what you do not want done to yourself.”.

That’s why we are still here.  🙂


Thank you for visiting our website! We appreciate your business! 🙂


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Refund Policy for I.T. Consulting Services
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This Page was updated on 7/6/2021.