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2 thoughts on “Session: Jan 11 2021, Tue

  1. I guess I can rant for a bit. Grieving people can do that.

    Why is it, that no one seems to be holding those who seem to have “engineered the convid virus” accountable yet? The bat lady virologist who engineered this frankenstein virus?

    Or the “respected” government officials who funded the research? (IF you dig deep there are videos around, from years ago, them “boasting” about the “gain of function” research.

    The world got put on lock down.

    Have you noticed that stock markets on who are earning from these? Va x manufacturers, PPE manufacturers, Test manufacturers, etc. etc.

    It’s all experimental. MOST PEOPLE are not told that IF anything happens to them, almost ALL Life and Health insurance companies WILL NOT cover those expenses incurred. There are limitations to what they can cover.

    So what happens to those families? They’re on their own.

    How many people have died from heart attacks from these plandemic stress?

    How many people live in fear?

    How many people have had to make a choice between getting assaulted with toxic spike protein laced with aborted fetal cells / cell lines OR their jobs OR their faith?

    How many people tested positive for covid and still caught covid who have BEEN v a ccinated? (I now know personally, FIVE people).

    The fear mongering that go around make people who ONLY have the fear of God, angry. I am angered by people getting lied to. I am angered by those who REFUSE to use their God-given brains to THINK for themselves, and not fall into “GROUP-THINK” that only misleads.

    Jesus warned, “be innocent as doves but be wise as snakes.”

    Personally, I believe and strongly suggest each of us, need to be PRAYING to God, to ask for His forgiveness and to be saved by Him, with His Truth. Jesus is the Truth. When you know His Truth, even if you get deceived into something, or anything, God will allow the Truth to surface, so you can make a choice.

    In any line of work, or industry, there will always be those who would try and go so far as deceive people, and then entrap them, so they either would deceive others too, or just tell the truth as it is.

    Kinda like getting pitched a project with bells and whistles, and then as soon as you’ve done ALL the right things, you realize you’ve been lied to.

    As an MBA, my brain has been trained to look at the “bigger picture” in any company or organization. As a Christ Follower, there is the “eternal perspective”, anchored on what Jesus taught in the Golden Rule. “Do not do unto others what you do not want done unto you.”

    I was getting hammered with phone calls and text messages today (from the same company trying to recruit me).

    As a techie, i know that my information has been sold, and whatever that poor oblivious recruiter do not know is, he/she paid for me as a “lead”.

    I have been answering some of these “scam phone calls” lately, just to tell them about the FCC and FTC rules that I do not think they are even made aware of by whomever agency is teaching them to do such things.

    In History, during the “gold rush”, it wasn’t the “gold seekers” who raked in the money. It was the sellers of tools like the shovels, wheelbarrows, rakes, etc.

    History has a way of repeating itself. In ANY industry.

    In “commission-based” fields like real estate and insurance, what are the tools one is expected to spend for or on?

    – business cards, marketing paraphernalia
    – websites, domain name hosting, website hosting
    – License Fees
    – Courses
    – Licensing Exams
    – E&O Insurance
    – Continuing Education
    – LEADS / Prospecting / Marketing
    – CRM Software

    CRM Software is pitched by a lot as a “necessity” so the ones pitching it might be “affiliates” to those sofware companies as well, selling the SaaS (Software as a Service).
    Autoresponders – same SaaS.

    The Online Marketing I paid for by the thousands in the past have opened my eyes to these things. And as Affiliates, those are ALL required to disclose it on their websites, or any articles they might write on their blog posts.

    I find it a real blessing that I know how to do database work. Because one issue I have with putting “customers” in ANY external database is, it is just for me, NOT right, that customers data are outsourced that way, and the customers are not even informed about that.

    There is HIPAA, HITECH compliance on PII.

    So I built another database software, based out of an old software I have used. Why pay for SaaS, when you have one, and you don’t have to risk your customers’ data?

    Some really old school people just use “index cards” 🙂

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