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3 thoughts on “Session: Dec 6 2021, Mon

  1. Quick recap… (brain dump before I go do the tech work part, to get rid of mental – thought clutter 🙂

    Last Friday when I was given permission to get access to the zip files for downloading, of course I was happy! I even got another software (since my old editing audio / video software was not compatible and glitches out) to help me process each file so that it can be trimmed up to the “topic title”.

    It was laborious, but I got to finish several chapters in the Book of Mark.

    What I noticed though, was that the files themselves, were produced like an album would, with “Title”, “artists”, “Track number”, an image file, that automatically creates a “backlink” to the FCBH website.

    So the process I took last Friday, to finish all that I finished thus far (Mark 1 to 5 – 26 files),

    1) Downloaded Zip files
    2) Extracted zip files
    3) Open each file which was saved by Chapter
    4) Had to trim each chapter, to fit the “by topic” format that CLG has

    5) Change all the titles according to topic, instead of just numbers.

    – The way I first recorded the Book of Matthew, I “read the Chapter, verse number and the Topic title”.

    – The logic behind doing it that way, is so that the readers would “hear” what the topic is about, before they listen to it. This would also help them somewhat “memorize” from which topic those verses came from. Most teachers / preachers, quote bible verses in whatever modern bible translation they use, that fits their sermon narrative – and the congregation doesn’t even know that the verse was brazenly quoted out of context.

    6) When I trimmed the audio files, there is no way to know which topic or verse the listener would be at, since the audio file just “reads” the KJV text, from chapter to chapter.

    – The voice quality of the audio were really good. However, I noticed that each chapter was read by different “man voice talents”, so some verses were “good”, others sounded as if it was “dramatized”, with “angry inflections” of accents. I noticed this as I was trying to “trim” the files. I thought my recordings were bad (like the sound quality, because of too much background noise – I was recording outside! LOL!), but then listening to a man’s voice which sounded angry, was when I thought about “redoing” my own recording again, having a better quality. When I read the KJV, my goal was to read it as if I was reading to my future grandchildren. I don’t want to sound as if I am yelling in my recording. The sound of the man’s voice yelling the KJV, frightened even me, an old woman! LOL!

    – The work around I thought about was to record the titles, and then insert it, or “join it” with the man’s voice recording, but when I got to the “yelling man recording”… I just thought to go to Plan C – My voice, record in better quality. (Plan A was good enough (my voice, recording outside where ever I was … but that is NOT good enough, it’s like offering a “blemished lamb” instead of a “perfect one”… so I went to Plan B, last Friday, using someone else’s, men’s voice recordings, then hit that slump. Man voice yelling is a no go. So Plan C will it be).

    7) After I was finished “trimming” from Chapter content into Topic content, I saved the files according to Book, Chapter, Verse range, then Topic Title. The original file’s naming convention was “CODE, numbers and bible version” – since in their ministry’s bible sharing databases, they have all sorts of bible versions. But for my use case, I only need and want the KJV. That’s why my naming convention is different and tedious, however, if an audience would listen, it gives them an idea of what the audio file is about, before they listen to it.

    8) This was the thing that made it real frustrating for me, when I uploaded all the 26 recordings, which I had to do several times, it automatically pulled from their website, image files, that automatically also got INJECTED into the CLG media library, which had a direct backlink to their website, and which also automatically overwritten, the topic titles that I tediously created and customized, and descriptions were automatically added, and metadata ALSO automatically added. Had to first try and clean it up, because I know about copyrighted “logos”. I would not want another logo on my website, just like I don’t want our logos, on other websites. Ya know, like the “Golden Rule”.

    – the thing with the KJV, it is in Public Domain, so it IS truly FREE.

    – but the time it takes to actually make an Audio Bible out of it, is not free, because there is the factor of time it takes, software, voice talent, technical skills to put it all together. I geddit.

    – but to say it’s free and okay to download and use, provided that one doesn’t sell it (nothing is for sale at CLG), AND THEN AUTOMATICALLY INJECT image files that hotlinks or backlinks to the website, and automatically overwrite topic titles on the media file and AUTOMATICALLY INJECT metadata to the website that uses the audio file, is NOT OKAY. It would have been okay, if I was told that that “phenomenon” would happen, and that using those files has that for “side-effects”.

    9) So, God allowed me to see the “other side”. Because I thought my recordings were horrible. And thought maybe I can ask permission to use other recordings. I got it, and the expense of what I typed up above. Not worth it. Also, I found in the codes, the year some of them were recorded, in the 1990s. The thought came to mind, that maybe some of the voice talents have already died too. I was wondering if they had the “names” of the voice talents” because I would have included their names in the “Credits” page. But it wasn’t included. Just the backlinks. So no go.

    10) So I prayed again to be led to the next steps.

    Use what I have. Like the “widow’s oil”.

    I still have my voice, and my mind still functions. 🙂 Just record it better, and better record I started doing again. All of Friday night and over the weekend.

    11) Recorded on my travel phone, read from the CLG site with another phone.
    12) Saved using my old audio format naming convention. (so when I batch convert from m4a to mp3, it will simply overwrite what’s already onsite, I don’t have to re-encode and reprogram the playlist I already have finished).
    14) I created a placeholder at the CLG Forum, for the m4a version files. (I created that because it WILL get confusing, when I extract those, and then convert), so I had to make sure the file folders are distinct and separate.

    15) So all weekend, I completed the recordings from Matthew 1 to 9 and uploaded them at:


  2. The link above is on our CLG Tech Forum. Only Admins can see it. 🙂

  3. I got asked about the KJV text. The title part, I used the titles from e-Sword (I gave credit on the credits page), The text part, I cross checked with my own printed KJV bible. What the CLG has is the KJV bible, and I inserted “quotation marks” where needed, capitalized He His God LORD where needed, made the font red, where God or Jesus was speaking, orange font for Angels was speaking, and black font for man speaking.

    Can’t get over the question asked of me by the online mentor I had before, while we were on that two hour phone conversation – he asked me twice whether I encoded all that up, I answered yes, twice. I ALSO can’t believe it’s finished. God helped me. Another friend asked if the text was pulling from another external database. I said no, it’s all internal. Stored from within the website.

    God can use a nobody like me. God can even use a donkey.

    You should try it. If you are suffering from horribly bad horrendous awful memories in your brain, fill it up with God’s Words. Read God’s Words.

    Part of why CLG came about was because of that realization of getting pulled out of a false church.

    I needed to really know what was true.


    Which version?

    I could not find what I was needing, without getting pitched!

    And so I got that one assignment too.

    Because I know I am not the only one looking for the Shepherd’s Voice.

    Rescued from the pits of hell!

    That other Online Church, which also “pulls” from the database of FCBH ministry, and yet don’t give them credit, then pitches their congregation with almost hourly requests for “tithes” from people who watch a video show, the live chat being manned by volunteers, getting visited by many people because of their bible app (that’s how I found them, got seduced into being a volunteer too for a couple of years, then I saw the “workings” from the inside, and I got pulled out of it – thanks to God and TPOT). Then my own Bible App project began. You see, people want “shortcuts”… God draws people to Himself. I got drawn too, to help in disasters, and then i saw too, the evil side of that. So, more than anybody, the person who needs the bible app, was me.

    The audio bible app, I have been using the “Messenger devise” and also the “Messenger App” by Intouch Ministries.

    I also have been using the FCBH KJV Audio Bible App on my phone.

    But when there are any iphone or app updates, their Audio Bible App crashes too.

    One would think that with the tithes they receive from their congregation, that the app will also be actively developed, to catch up on update compatibility on Apple and Android devices.

    So when the app crash happens, people like me, would have no audio bible to listen to.

    And then one gets distracted by other things.

    So that is also one of the many reasons the Audio Bible App could be useful for people like me.

    I am removing all the files that has “backlinks and trackers” because I don’t want anybody (including me) getting tracked without their knowledge by AI software.

    It’s NOT anybody else’s business to know or track, which verse a person is reading, it is between the person and God.

    With the many advances in technology, people should be able to easily read the KJV Bible.

    How does the enemy stop people from reading the KJV Bible?

    Flood it with all sorts of bible versions!

    No wonder people get confused.

    And people get stuck with the bible version they have purchased, so when I get asked, and I say just make KJV your bible, if you have modern versions, ALWAYS refer back to KJV. Some I have even given direct links to the Infographic, that I also published at CLG, so they can make their OWN informed decision.

    I’ve been called names like “legalistic”, “fanatic”, because I would quote and share complete bible verses when the “Speaker” would chop up a verse to fit the speech narrative.

    Last night, there was one who said I wasn’t being “biblical” when I posted a bible verse!

    Then the person using an alias typed “don’t pretend as if I was attacking you.” LOL!

    I only had to type that “I use my real first name here, and then mistyped his alias, and then typed “who is actually pretending?” LOL!

    Then I copy pasted the verse about prayer and “asking God for something, with the right motive” verse, and then still was getting attacked, and then the guy said, the verse applied to me because of my motives.

    I had to type, “My motive here is to share God’s Words”. And of course the goddess of distraction in that church also chimed in to attack me, after which I only just typed “Jesus is Lord”. And that “evil surfaces when God’s Truth is proclaimed and shared, the enemy knows to attack Christ Followers, but it just exposes the fakes.”

    I always get led to go back to that online church because there is always someone that I can get led to help with exact scripture. I know a lot of lost people go there. Some find friendships there, but in my experience, it is all “transitory” … like the parable of Jesus and the seeds. Some seeds fall on rocks, on thorny grounds, and on the seeds that fall on good soil, it can produce 90, 60 or 30.

    We all just plant seeds. God makes it grow.

    The attacks I get there from the false converts, it’s a wake up call for them, not me. Since I only share bible verses there, they get offended by God’s Words. And I only say those are not my words, but God’s. So if they get offended by that, it’s actually good. Someone got led to share the Truth with them, it’s up to them what to think. For those tasked to plant, just plant. 🙂

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