Thanks to all who texted me Happy Mother’s Day. I was happy I was remembered but prior to the greetings I wasn’t “happy”, because there were too many things in my mind.
Like, typing “notes to self” on what to do next, since there’s too much stuff to do, and there’s just one me.
I blogged my previous post from my phone. Yes, forgive typos. 🙂
What’ dya think?
Okay brand new day.
I noticed that the SH Forum can “add topic” but the message box does not display” – if you are logged in on a mobile phone.
Something to check when on laptop.
Will test CLG too with the latest updates forum version and see if I can post from a phone.
Will keep you posted.
Red. (I kind of miss the Like button on the forum).
When all at CLG SF testing is finished, then that’s when I’ll update the SH Forum to latest version.
Doing this from phone.
Any decision on whether to merge CLG SF with SH Forum?
I am doing the install and updates this way to zero in on any potential bugs, if I see any on the new version installation at CLG SF,
I can fix it there and put my code tweaks there, and then when all is done, i will backup the whole version, download it via ftp, then upload at SH.
Hitting two portals with one tweak. Easy peasy.
That’s why I warn all Admins to always disable autoupdates, so that your code tweaks don’t get overwritten automatically.
Usually WP Theme Authors also have autoupdates enabled.
I’ve seen first hand many MANY times how that wrecks up websites when clients are not paying attention to their websites.
That’s why I also advise for clients to input their domain on their browsers and add it to their “favorites” so each time they open their browsers, they can also check the LOOK of their websites.
I’ve had it happen many times before too, when I created demo websites, then clients point out to me that the demo site is broken! LOL!
We all can learn from that.
So it might be better to let it go offline, or under maintenance, rather than display it broken.
So for this website’s theme. I am not worried about auto updates.
My updates on this theme is manual. I’s the Manual Author. 🙂
I spoke to my Mama yesterday via Signal video call. She keeps me “humble” because when I tell her what I’ve been doing, she has a great way of criticizing me. When Papa was still alive, they would go in tandem, to both criticize me. And laugh with each other at my expense. I would laugh too. When I was younger, I didn’t “get it”. But now that I’m older, I’ve realized that’s their way. They made me “tough”. And those memories, when they do come back, have a different meaning now. Our parents always strive to do their best, but they are humans too. But I “geddit” now, that was their best. And their contribution to who I have become, and that type of intestinal fortitude allowed me to raise my son as a single parent. No one is perfect except The One who gave us life, our Creator God. 🙂
Another Topic / Tips / FYI for EMAILS:
Most people use HTML format for emails these days, with nice signatures and links to their website, social media profiles, etc.
That’s nice.
But for those types of people (like me) who use just plain text emails in receiving and sending emails, and automatically disable images from displaying, HTML emails, to me end up looking like a blocks of images blocked, and then the “text” of the email messages.
Why do I do this?
1) Because those images are “LIVE LINKS” to the exact image locations from whatever website it is stored in.
2) So if an email stores their images outside of their domain name, the EXACT location and URL of those images display.
3) You’d also know what part of the email came from a human, or an auto-responder.
4) When you click a link on an HTML version, it is tracked by the auto-responder (which is okay if the autoresponder software is IN-house, and not on a third-party website). Autoresponders though, are usually SaaS (Software as a Service) housed elsewhere. I’ve had experience with that too, that ones’ Mailing List for example, can get hacked into, and your entire mailing list shared or stolen then sold to “Data Brokers”. That’s an entirely different can of worms that I find so disgusting that people do that. You can find info on this from experts too (it’s on CSPAN). Unfortunately, they all just get better and better at duping people into giving up their email address, and then you get all the spam messages. Why and how? Your email address got sold.
5) Text version links can’t usually be tracked by the autoresponder.
6) I find it funny when I respond to someone who sends me an HTML email, and I reply with text format, so it displays to THEM, how it displays to me. So best way for emails is to just keep it simple, use Text Format. Say what you mean.
7) Text Version emails display AS IS, so if you want to jazz up something, jazz it up via MS Word all you want, save it as a PDF, then add it as an attachment in your email. That way, your document design attempts will display the same way to your recipient.
8) So those “free web-based email addresses” aren’t really free, too. YOU are the product. And the email addresses of YOUR contacts that you might have put in your web-based email address book.
9) Your internet security is only dependent on the type of security your contacts have. So it doesn’t really matter how you “guard your email address” or “keep changing your email address” – if one of your contacts always have your “latest email address” and they are oblivious or don’t care that they are also sending spam emails (without them knowing that their device is getting used by bots, or have malware), best way is to not even give them your latest email. If they are close to you, you can always just use the Signal App, and communicate that way.
10) Example, if you have F B , on your phone, your Contact List on your phone, gets loaded onto FB servers (like they make a carbon copy of your phone book). That’s who they know if your contact is online or offline. (when they are logged in to their account or not). Same happens with other Messaging Apps like v i b e r or Skype. I used to use S k y p e a lot for business (before Micro S o f t) bought them. Then the nightmare began. Imagine this, you have a Business Account with a phone number attached, and different people / staff logs in to that Business Account. S k y p e at some point had the “auto-sync” functionality. So if 10 different Consultants log into that one specific Business Account, your device (phone and or laptop’s contact address book) automatically gets loaded, and BAM! You exposed 10 different consultants contents of address books and contact lists and they mixed it all together into one database of nightmare! Consider the clean up!
11) The User Interface of Apps these days, they think, that these apps are just on their phones. NO! Apps are Mobile Websites. They have to go through the code scrutiny of either App le or Goo g les Andr oid. And their Terms of Service. And Privacy.
12) I remember seeing “the activity and comments” of a former colleague, over at his ya hoo and AT and T account. He didn’t know it was “visible to the public”. I had to write up a How To, because I ended up ALSO seeing others whose activities were publicly available, because they didn’t check their “security settings”. Like every link you click gets tracked! And posted! I mean, if these companies were going to do that, at least they need to let their Users know!
Oh yeah, it could have been “included in the tiny print “Terms of Service and Privacy Policy”.
BEST ADVICE: Get your own email addresses. (Like PAY for it).
Usually, your employer will give you a corporate email address that you can use as you work, during your employment or duration of your contract. But once the contract ends, you lose access to that corporate email. So in your Corporate Email signature, always include an “Alternate Email”.
I have been given a lot of “corporate email address” by different clients, and I always include my “Alternate Email in my corporate email signature”. I personally do not like the way some companies put the full first name and last name of their employees, and “human” spammers usually figure out the “naming conventions” and then blast spam to the corporate email mailboxes!
So, change the way you “RECEIVE” emails (just use Text Display instead of HTML display) that way you can scrutinize the exact URL of the link, before you click it.
My assistant just informed me he clicked a wrong link. And I would have to change another email address.
Glad I have a system of creating email addresses for specific purposes.
ALSO, For those who use their Corporate Email for other things (like personal stuff, bills, banking, etc.)
KNOW, that System Administrators and other I.T. Consultants with Highest Permission Levels (Level 4 Engineers), MONITOR all incoming and outgoing messages. Some get automated messages, per day, or if there are any type of breaches, can LOG INTO your email with a CLICK, and read ALL incoming and outgoing messages.
When I would work on projects that would require setting up Corporate Emails, I ALSO wrote that and informed all users that “NOTHING” will be confidential, and the Tech Team CAN and WILL access their emails as needed. For HR investigation purposes, or IT investigation purposes.
I’ve had experienced and learned of people getting terminated for what would seem like a “minor” thing of forwarding a “joke” with embedded links to external websites. All those who forwarded the “joke” got fired.
Why? Embedded videos or files is the same as visiting the external website itself. So, it’s a waste of time, and corporate resources, when corporate emails are used that way. It’s part and parcel of what Employees agree to, in the use of Corporate Resources, like email.
It’s just simple plain personal accountability. If a company is paying you by billable hour, it is the right thing to do to make sure that every second you use, as a PAID employee, is used to complete a job.
The sad part these days, it’s like people quit doing their jobs when they find a job.
Contracting with entrepreneurs, in my own experience, is best. You need a job done? Get someone who will get the job done.
Measurable – scope of work, time frame, deliverables, payment. Done.
Red all of the above.
ShallHelp Chat Forum : Welcome to the Chat Forum! Chat sessions are automatically erased every 60 minutes. Just select the REFRESH link above to go to the latest chat session. We are glad you are here! CrisW : Hey, let’s bounce off here. Developer : Good idea on closing the comments on the Mom article! CrisW : Yes. That was for me to vent, share and not really wanting any feedback on that. 🙂 CrisW : On that post. It’s personal. Developer : Not scared that recruiters would see? CrisW : I’d rather they hire my services for what I can do, and not what I fee;. They’re hiring a human, not a robot.:-) CrisW : feel. CrisW : it takes a lot of the brain when we work on tech, so if there are mental clutters, or “feelings” clear it out however way you can, so you can focus on your work. CrisW : a lot out of the brain Developer : I do that too. But I literally write it out on paper. CrisW : I liked the direction of how that article started. Me the techie thought, how can I respond to everybody, because everyone asked how I was doing too, so that I could be truthful and ALSO share what I was realizing. I mean, those feelings aren’t exclusive to me, others who have lost loved ones feel the same way. CrisW : So, I don’t want people to feel sorry for me, I want them to know what I do in order to cope. Since grief is always “off topic” for more people and makes them feel awkward, so I volunteer to “OUT the awkward” by just talking / writing about it. Developer : Yes, that topic is offlimits for most people. Developer : Like me. Developer : I just send flowers or type condolence since I don’t know what to say. CrisW : I used to be like that too. Before JESUS 🙂 CrisW : I finished the NT years ago because of a friend. CrisW : Then I finished the KJV both OL and NT because of my deep grief, I wanted to occupy my brain with code and God’s Words. It helped me then. And also now, I also get to help others with the easy way I get to share verses. Developer : Are you removing the script you put at the CLG Tech F, so you can also share your Bible App here? CrisW : No, because if I open it up to an external website, even if I am an Admin of both, I will be opening it for others too who can misuse it. I’ve already seen how those types of bible apps are misused since those other tech people who are contractors of those organizations are non-followers. So NO. Developer : I /did a search like you suggested. Yes those churches are like BIG businesses! CrisW : Yes. Horrible. So I will just type and type here, or at CLG. Let people decide too – to LOOK, and so they can see the massive deception. It’s like mass hypnosis. CrisW : That’s why Jesus said “to those who have ears, let them hear”. And “while they have eyes they do not see”. Until someone ACTUALLY points it out to them, the Truth will set them free too!
I got left in previous chat session.
Okay, let’s just use this comments. Oops. We are transitioning to next Session Date. I’ll make a new one. Let’s continue there.
Thanks to all who texted me Happy Mother’s Day. I was happy I was remembered but prior to the greetings I wasn’t “happy”, because there were too many things in my mind.
Like, typing “notes to self” on what to do next, since there’s too much stuff to do, and there’s just one me.
I blogged my previous post from my phone. Yes, forgive typos. 🙂
What’ dya think?
Okay brand new day.
I noticed that the SH Forum can “add topic” but the message box does not display” – if you are logged in on a mobile phone.
Something to check when on laptop.
Will test CLG too with the latest updates forum version and see if I can post from a phone.
Will keep you posted.
Red. (I kind of miss the Like button on the forum).
Result: CLG SF Forum on phone works.
CLG SF Tech Notes
Will post all other testing and results here.
When all at CLG SF testing is finished, then that’s when I’ll update the SH Forum to latest version.
Doing this from phone.
Any decision on whether to merge CLG SF with SH Forum?
I am doing the install and updates this way to zero in on any potential bugs, if I see any on the new version installation at CLG SF,
I can fix it there and put my code tweaks there, and then when all is done, i will backup the whole version, download it via ftp, then upload at SH.
Hitting two portals with one tweak. Easy peasy.
That’s why I warn all Admins to always disable autoupdates, so that your code tweaks don’t get overwritten automatically.
Usually WP Theme Authors also have autoupdates enabled.
I’ve seen first hand many MANY times how that wrecks up websites when clients are not paying attention to their websites.
That’s why I also advise for clients to input their domain on their browsers and add it to their “favorites” so each time they open their browsers, they can also check the LOOK of their websites.
I’ve had it happen many times before too, when I created demo websites, then clients point out to me that the demo site is broken! LOL!
We all can learn from that.
So it might be better to let it go offline, or under maintenance, rather than display it broken.
So for this website’s theme. I am not worried about auto updates.
My updates on this theme is manual. I’s the Manual Author. 🙂
I spoke to my Mama yesterday via Signal video call. She keeps me “humble” because when I tell her what I’ve been doing, she has a great way of criticizing me. When Papa was still alive, they would go in tandem, to both criticize me. And laugh with each other at my expense. I would laugh too. When I was younger, I didn’t “get it”. But now that I’m older, I’ve realized that’s their way. They made me “tough”. And those memories, when they do come back, have a different meaning now. Our parents always strive to do their best, but they are humans too. But I “geddit” now, that was their best. And their contribution to who I have become, and that type of intestinal fortitude allowed me to raise my son as a single parent. No one is perfect except The One who gave us life, our Creator God. 🙂
Another Topic / Tips / FYI for EMAILS:
Most people use HTML format for emails these days, with nice signatures and links to their website, social media profiles, etc.
That’s nice.
But for those types of people (like me) who use just plain text emails in receiving and sending emails, and automatically disable images from displaying, HTML emails, to me end up looking like a blocks of images blocked, and then the “text” of the email messages.
Why do I do this?
1) Because those images are “LIVE LINKS” to the exact image locations from whatever website it is stored in.
2) So if an email stores their images outside of their domain name, the EXACT location and URL of those images display.
3) You’d also know what part of the email came from a human, or an auto-responder.
4) When you click a link on an HTML version, it is tracked by the auto-responder (which is okay if the autoresponder software is IN-house, and not on a third-party website). Autoresponders though, are usually SaaS (Software as a Service) housed elsewhere. I’ve had experience with that too, that ones’ Mailing List for example, can get hacked into, and your entire mailing list shared or stolen then sold to “Data Brokers”. That’s an entirely different can of worms that I find so disgusting that people do that. You can find info on this from experts too (it’s on CSPAN). Unfortunately, they all just get better and better at duping people into giving up their email address, and then you get all the spam messages. Why and how? Your email address got sold.
5) Text version links can’t usually be tracked by the autoresponder.
6) I find it funny when I respond to someone who sends me an HTML email, and I reply with text format, so it displays to THEM, how it displays to me. So best way for emails is to just keep it simple, use Text Format. Say what you mean.
7) Text Version emails display AS IS, so if you want to jazz up something, jazz it up via MS Word all you want, save it as a PDF, then add it as an attachment in your email. That way, your document design attempts will display the same way to your recipient.
8) So those “free web-based email addresses” aren’t really free, too. YOU are the product. And the email addresses of YOUR contacts that you might have put in your web-based email address book.
9) Your internet security is only dependent on the type of security your contacts have. So it doesn’t really matter how you “guard your email address” or “keep changing your email address” – if one of your contacts always have your “latest email address” and they are oblivious or don’t care that they are also sending spam emails (without them knowing that their device is getting used by bots, or have malware), best way is to not even give them your latest email. If they are close to you, you can always just use the Signal App, and communicate that way.
10) Example, if you have F B , on your phone, your Contact List on your phone, gets loaded onto FB servers (like they make a carbon copy of your phone book). That’s who they know if your contact is online or offline. (when they are logged in to their account or not). Same happens with other Messaging Apps like v i b e r or Skype. I used to use S k y p e a lot for business (before Micro S o f t) bought them. Then the nightmare began. Imagine this, you have a Business Account with a phone number attached, and different people / staff logs in to that Business Account. S k y p e at some point had the “auto-sync” functionality. So if 10 different Consultants log into that one specific Business Account, your device (phone and or laptop’s contact address book) automatically gets loaded, and BAM! You exposed 10 different consultants contents of address books and contact lists and they mixed it all together into one database of nightmare! Consider the clean up!
11) The User Interface of Apps these days, they think, that these apps are just on their phones. NO! Apps are Mobile Websites. They have to go through the code scrutiny of either App le or Goo g les Andr oid. And their Terms of Service. And Privacy.
12) I remember seeing “the activity and comments” of a former colleague, over at his ya hoo and AT and T account. He didn’t know it was “visible to the public”. I had to write up a How To, because I ended up ALSO seeing others whose activities were publicly available, because they didn’t check their “security settings”. Like every link you click gets tracked! And posted! I mean, if these companies were going to do that, at least they need to let their Users know!
Oh yeah, it could have been “included in the tiny print “Terms of Service and Privacy Policy”.
BEST ADVICE: Get your own email addresses. (Like PAY for it).
Usually, your employer will give you a corporate email address that you can use as you work, during your employment or duration of your contract. But once the contract ends, you lose access to that corporate email. So in your Corporate Email signature, always include an “Alternate Email”.
I have been given a lot of “corporate email address” by different clients, and I always include my “Alternate Email in my corporate email signature”. I personally do not like the way some companies put the full first name and last name of their employees, and “human” spammers usually figure out the “naming conventions” and then blast spam to the corporate email mailboxes!
So, change the way you “RECEIVE” emails (just use Text Display instead of HTML display) that way you can scrutinize the exact URL of the link, before you click it.
My assistant just informed me he clicked a wrong link. And I would have to change another email address.
Glad I have a system of creating email addresses for specific purposes.
ALSO, For those who use their Corporate Email for other things (like personal stuff, bills, banking, etc.)
KNOW, that System Administrators and other I.T. Consultants with Highest Permission Levels (Level 4 Engineers), MONITOR all incoming and outgoing messages. Some get automated messages, per day, or if there are any type of breaches, can LOG INTO your email with a CLICK, and read ALL incoming and outgoing messages.
When I would work on projects that would require setting up Corporate Emails, I ALSO wrote that and informed all users that “NOTHING” will be confidential, and the Tech Team CAN and WILL access their emails as needed. For HR investigation purposes, or IT investigation purposes.
I’ve had experienced and learned of people getting terminated for what would seem like a “minor” thing of forwarding a “joke” with embedded links to external websites. All those who forwarded the “joke” got fired.
Why? Embedded videos or files is the same as visiting the external website itself. So, it’s a waste of time, and corporate resources, when corporate emails are used that way. It’s part and parcel of what Employees agree to, in the use of Corporate Resources, like email.
It’s just simple plain personal accountability. If a company is paying you by billable hour, it is the right thing to do to make sure that every second you use, as a PAID employee, is used to complete a job.
The sad part these days, it’s like people quit doing their jobs when they find a job.
Contracting with entrepreneurs, in my own experience, is best. You need a job done? Get someone who will get the job done.
Measurable – scope of work, time frame, deliverables, payment. Done.
Red all of the above.
ShallHelp Chat Forum : Welcome to the Chat Forum! Chat sessions are automatically erased every 60 minutes. Just select the REFRESH link above to go to the latest chat session. We are glad you are here!
CrisW : Hey, let’s bounce off here.
Developer : Good idea on closing the comments on the Mom article!
CrisW : Yes. That was for me to vent, share and not really wanting any feedback on that. 🙂
CrisW : On that post. It’s personal.
Developer : Not scared that recruiters would see?
CrisW : I’d rather they hire my services for what I can do, and not what I fee;. They’re hiring a human, not a robot.:-)
CrisW : feel.
CrisW : it takes a lot of the brain when we work on tech, so if there are mental clutters, or “feelings” clear it out however way you can, so you can focus on your work.
CrisW : a lot out of the brain
Developer : I do that too. But I literally write it out on paper.
CrisW : I liked the direction of how that article started. Me the techie thought, how can I respond to everybody, because everyone asked how I was doing too, so that I could be truthful and ALSO share what I was realizing. I mean, those feelings aren’t exclusive to me, others who have lost loved ones feel the same way.
CrisW : So, I don’t want people to feel sorry for me, I want them to know what I do in order to cope. Since grief is always “off topic” for more people and makes them feel awkward, so I volunteer to “OUT the awkward” by just talking / writing about it.
Developer : Yes, that topic is offlimits for most people.
Developer : Like me.
Developer : I just send flowers or type condolence since I don’t know what to say.
CrisW : I used to be like that too. Before JESUS 🙂
CrisW : I finished the NT years ago because of a friend.
CrisW : Then I finished the KJV both OL and NT because of my deep grief, I wanted to occupy my brain with code and God’s Words. It helped me then. And also now, I also get to help others with the easy way I get to share verses.
Developer : Are you removing the script you put at the CLG Tech F, so you can also share your Bible App here?
CrisW : No, because if I open it up to an external website, even if I am an Admin of both, I will be opening it for others too who can misuse it. I’ve already seen how those types of bible apps are misused since those other tech people who are contractors of those organizations are non-followers. So NO.
Developer : I /did a search like you suggested. Yes those churches are like BIG businesses!
CrisW : Yes. Horrible. So I will just type and type here, or at CLG. Let people decide too – to LOOK, and so they can see the massive deception. It’s like mass hypnosis.
CrisW : That’s why Jesus said “to those who have ears, let them hear”. And “while they have eyes they do not see”. Until someone ACTUALLY points it out to them, the Truth will set them free too!
I got left in previous chat session.
Okay, let’s just use this comments. Oops. We are transitioning to next Session Date. I’ll make a new one. Let’s continue there.
Go Next Session Date